Title: 1st International Workshop, Next-generation Convergence Information Service Technology Society 2017
When: July 30, 2017 ~ August 1, 2017,Where:Jeju Island, Korea (south)
Important Dates
- Paper Submission Deadline: July 21, 2017
- Notification of Acceptance/Rejection: July 26, 2017,
Topics of interest for submission include, but are not limited to:
- VR technology and devices, Augmented reality, Mixed reality
- Advanced display technologies
- Low-latency and high-performance VR
- Multi-user and distributed VR
- Multimodal display systems
- VR software infrastructures
- VR authoring systems
- Collaborative VR
- Interaction techniques for VR
- 3D Interaction for VR
- Natural user interfaces
- Tracking and sensing
- Multisensory and multimodal VR
- Computer graphics techniques for VR
- Tele-operation and telepresence
- Performance testing & evaluation
- Perception studies in VR environments
- Presence and cognition
- Ergonomics
Supported by NGCISTS, KSCG, MANIAMIND, CRETA GAMES, Bucketplay, Technoblood Korea, Gachon University, Seoul Media Institute Of Technology, Chungkang College of Cultural Industries, Nextep Studio
In this study, a possibility of art education applying VR technology that may express a sense of space and interaction for the users was analyzed. As interactive media art works using VR provides a new sense of space, a new meaning that was not experienced by the audience in the past could be delivered. Delivery mode of a new meaning could be also used for art education effectively. Art work applying VR technology was observed and based on this result, an effect of VR technology on art education was researched.
In this study, a possibility of art education applying VR technology that may express a sense of space and interaction for the users was analyzed. As interactive media art works using VR provides a new sense of space, a new meaning that was not experienced by the audience in the past could be delivered. Delivery mode of a new meaning could be also used for art education effectively. Art work applying VR technology was observed and based on this result, an effect of VR technology on art education was researched.
A Case Study of Quality Evaluation Model for Virtual Reality Contents
A Case Study of Quality Evaluation Model for Virtual Reality Contents
Virtual Reality, Quality Evaluation Model, Test Guide
Virtual Reality, Quality Evaluation Model, Test Guide
Junhee Yoon, HoJin Hyun
Owing to box office success of VR contents, supplier's market spreads to buyer's market and sustained ecosystem of industrial growth would be provided. Under this background, now is the time to require test guide of VR contents that could be played by the users safely and comfortably. Therefore, in this study, evaluation model case of VR contents was surveyed based on theses at home and abroad. As early stage of market, it could be confirmed that relevant research would be required and as a future research, deduction of quality evaluation model of VR contents was suggested by analyzing and linking evaluation methodology of international standard and 3D game contents.
Owing to box office success of VR contents, supplier's market spreads to buyer's market and sustained ecosystem of industrial growth would be provided. Under this background, now is the time to require test guide of VR contents that could be played by the users safely and comfortably. Therefore, in this study, evaluation model case of VR contents was surveyed based on theses at home and abroad. As early stage of market, it could be confirmed that relevant research would be required and as a future research, deduction of quality evaluation model of VR contents was suggested by analyzing and linking evaluation methodology of international standard and 3D game contents.
A Study on Usability Evaluation Model for Virtual Reality Game Contents
A Study on Usability Evaluation Model for Virtual Reality Game Contents
Usability Evaluation Model, Virtual Reality, Game Contents
Usability Evaluation Model, Virtual Reality, Game Contents
Juchan Na, JungYoon Kim
Virtual reality technology is being utilized in diverse area and the case that the virtual reality technology is utilized the most recently is the game contents. However, there are problems in the virtual reality game contents as the usability test and user guideline, etc. are not available because the latest trend of virtual reality technology is not applied to them. Therefore, to solve those problems, the research on the virtual reality game contents usability evaluation model was conducted. To do that, the presence, flow, arousal, game fun and contents satisfaction were established as the evaluation item based on the related researches, and for the evaluation, the resulting values were compared and analyzed through the pre-test and post-test. In the results of experiment, the positive reaction was observed in the virtual reality game contents experience. The virtual reality contents usability evaluation model and the user guideline are the follow-up research.
Virtual reality technology is being utilized in diverse area and the case that the virtual reality technology is utilized the most recently is the game contents. However, there are problems in the virtual reality game contents as the usability test and user guideline, etc. are not available because the latest trend of virtual reality technology is not applied to them. Therefore, to solve those problems, the research on the virtual reality game contents usability evaluation model was conducted. To do that, the presence, flow, arousal, game fun and contents satisfaction were established as the evaluation item based on the related researches, and for the evaluation, the resulting values were compared and analyzed through the pre-test and post-test. In the results of experiment, the positive reaction was observed in the virtual reality game contents experience. The virtual reality contents usability evaluation model and the user guideline are the follow-up research.
Virtual reality is used in various fields. Recent applications of virtual reality technology include education, medicine and science. Virtual reality technology has been used most for experience based virtual reality contents and game contents. One of the important issues in developing such virtual reality experience contents is human computer interface which can be designed and operated in such a way to meet a purpose. This thesis studied walking interface hardware out of controls under virtual environment. Walking interface is interactive interface that conveys proper walking sense to users by receiving and processing walking speed of users. Interface such as joystick is used to seek space in virtual environment. Walking interface which enables researchers to seek space in virtual environment by using natural walking just can substitute above interface. This thesis is to examine types of existing walking interface and to introduce treadmill based simple biped ambulation interface using pressure mode sensor.
Virtual reality is used in various fields. Recent applications of virtual reality technology include education, medicine and science. Virtual reality technology has been used most for experience based virtual reality contents and game contents. One of the important issues in developing such virtual reality experience contents is human computer interface which can be designed and operated in such a way to meet a purpose. This thesis studied walking interface hardware out of controls under virtual environment. Walking interface is interactive interface that conveys proper walking sense to users by receiving and processing walking speed of users. Interface such as joystick is used to seek space in virtual environment. Walking interface which enables researchers to seek space in virtual environment by using natural walking just can substitute above interface. This thesis is to examine types of existing walking interface and to introduce treadmill based simple biped ambulation interface using pressure mode sensor.
Case Study of Virtual Reality User Interface in Games
Case Study of Virtual Reality User Interface in Games
User Interface, Virtual Reality, VR Game
User Interface, Virtual Reality, VR Game
Il Kim, JungYoon Kim
. UI used in real time virtual reality (VR) contents requires different user experienceUI used in traditional two dimensional flat monitor. However, there are not enough cases that indicate which type of UI is most suitable for VR contents. The related works and guidelines are also not enough. To overcome this situation and generate a guideline on UI suitable for VR contents, this study was conducted by examining and comparing UI cases of VR contents in a way of distinguishing three elements: usability (convenience in using), clarity (contributing to reduction of confusion in purpose of UI), visibility (whether the user visually recognizes it wellnot). Based on the findings in the study, minimum guideline essentially necessary for implementing VR contents is suggested.
. UI used in real time virtual reality (VR) contents requires different user experienceUI used in traditional two dimensional flat monitor. However, there are not enough cases that indicate which type of UI is most suitable for VR contents. The related works and guidelines are also not enough. To overcome this situation and generate a guideline on UI suitable for VR contents, this study was conducted by examining and comparing UI cases of VR contents in a way of distinguishing three elements: usability (convenience in using), clarity (contributing to reduction of confusion in purpose of UI), visibility (whether the user visually recognizes it wellnot). Based on the findings in the study, minimum guideline essentially necessary for implementing VR contents is suggested.
A Study on Development Methodology of Location-based Augmented Reality Game
A Study on Development Methodology of Location-based Augmented Reality Game
Location based Game, Augmented Reality, Development Methodology
Location based Game, Augmented Reality, Development Methodology
DongHyun Youm, JungYoon Kim
One of the representative game contents that are implemented using a location-based augmented reality(AR) technology is Pokémon GO released by Niantic. Even though it is implemented on basis of the famous and powerful IP which is Pokémon, the game can be said to be good example that shows how location-based AR technology is being utilized. In domestic game industry, however, AR-based games are not being paid much attention to. This paper aims at describing current situation and future prospects for AR technology and identifying location-based AR game development methods, problems and improvements through practical cases. Finally, this paper addresses an efficient development methodology.
One of the representative game contents that are implemented using a location-based augmented reality(AR) technology is Pokémon GO released by Niantic. Even though it is implemented on basis of the famous and powerful IP which is Pokémon, the game can be said to be good example that shows how location-based AR technology is being utilized. In domestic game industry, however, AR-based games are not being paid much attention to. This paper aims at describing current situation and future prospects for AR technology and identifying location-based AR game development methods, problems and improvements through practical cases. Finally, this paper addresses an efficient development methodology.
Recently, the wearable device combined with smart devices are being popularized through the health-related industry and the contents by being combined with biometric technology. In addition, the biometric technology has potentials to be used not only in the personalization marketing but also in marketing area such as promotion, brand management, etc. it is used for the service that recommends the product by measuring the characteristics such as consumer's preference, etc. using the facial impression analysis technology and the eye tracking technology is being applied to the marketing area such as homepage, product display, etc. If the human bio-information is utilized, the consumer's preference can be obtained more exactly and it is expected that the if the emotion and feeling measuring technology is applied in marketing area, the marketing area will achieve the new innovation. This article showed the potentials of new marketing method by analyzing the marketing method using human bio-information and related technology.
Recently, the wearable device combined with smart devices are being popularized through the health-related industry and the contents by being combined with biometric technology. In addition, the biometric technology has potentials to be used not only in the personalization marketing but also in marketing area such as promotion, brand management, etc. it is used for the service that recommends the product by measuring the characteristics such as consumer's preference, etc. using the facial impression analysis technology and the eye tracking technology is being applied to the marketing area such as homepage, product display, etc. If the human bio-information is utilized, the consumer's preference can be obtained more exactly and it is expected that the if the emotion and feeling measuring technology is applied in marketing area, the marketing area will achieve the new innovation. This article showed the potentials of new marketing method by analyzing the marketing method using human bio-information and related technology.